About Us

nail bar

Creative manicure and pedicure studio with masterly performance of services for the beauty of your nails

We are a team of nail care professionals with high training, aspiring to make your experience at Q Nail & Spa a satisfying one. At our salon, we follow the following policy for the mutual convenience of the customers and the salon.



Professional masters


Nail polish colors

  • MANICURE Let's take care of nails at Q Nail Spa
  • PEDICURE Pedicure is sure to guarantee you beautiful and healthier looking skin.
  • NAIL CARE We offers high-quality manicure services done by experienced technicians to give you the right manicure to suit the season
  • WAXING At Q Nail Spa, we offer you a painless and smooth waxing service.

book time
to get manicure

You will look more beautiful with new nails. What are you waiting for? Want to book an appointment now!


What our clients say

Bella is absolutely amazing. I've been searching the area for so long for a really great nail tech, so glad I finally found her and Q Nail Spa!.

Stefanie Rashford
Top Coach

I absolutely love this place!!! Everybody is super nice and welcoming. I love my new nails and I will definitely go back to get them done again!.

Emma G.

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Hugo James

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum. Donec placerat, orci.

Cassie Carleton
Company Owner